About Me

I have been in private practice as a clinical psychologist in Brookline MA since 2003.

Current Faculty Positions

Boston Institute for Psychotherapy

Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis

Presenter/Consultant at Professional Meetings

American Psychological Association, Division 39 (Division of Psychoanalysis) 2011

Boston Institute for Psychotherapy

Boston College Counseling Center

Brookline Community Mental Health Center

Harvard Medical School, Cambridge Hospital


Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalyses (Certification Completed in 2011)

Harvard Medical School, Cambridge Hospital – 3 year Internship and Post-Doc in Adult, Adolescent, and Child Inpatient and Outpatient treatment, and Pediatric Neuropsychology

Boston Institute for Psychoanalysis Child and Adolescent Advanced Training Program

University of Tennessee (Completed Ph.D. in 2001)

Fairleigh Dickinson University (Completed Masters of Arts in 1995)

Rutgers Counseling Center (Practicum Site)

Villanova University (Bachelor of the Arts)

If interested in more information about my training, work, publications, and presentations see my Curriculum Vitae